The Power of People Podcast
The Power of People Podcast
POPP - Power of People Podcast - Episode 12 - Interpersonal Skills, Up and Out, Not Down and Away
In this episode, NYC Public School principal, Mark Erlenwein & College and Career Life Skills Coach, Bob Wolf discuss the importance of learning and mastering Interpersonal Skills, one of the 5 HIKA (Human Interaction Knowledge Applied) Skills, among First Impression, (Interpersonal) Communication, Presentation and Selling Skills. Mark and Bob share a series of compelling stories exemplifying the role interpersonal skills play in day to day life and how Staten Island Technical High School is teaching & certifying students as HAM (Amateur Radio) Radio Operators to foster speaking / communication skills, while developing an ability to use analog technologies to stay in touch in the case of an emergency and technological breakdown while fostering an understanding of using a combination of Manners, Common Courtesy, Vocabulary & Language effectively.